What To Do When Faced with Workplace Harassment

By Alan Riddell and Kyle Van Schie  Employers have a legal obligation to provide employees with a harassment-free workplace. They are obligated to take all reasonable precautions to protect their employees in the workplace. This includes the steps that an…

Don’t Mistake Your Employees for Independent Contractors

By Alan Riddell and Kyle Van Schie  In order to avoid future, costly surprises, it is vital to determine whether your workers are "employees" or "independent contractors." By recognizing the nature of the relationships between your company and your workers,…

Buying a Condo? Hire Your Lawyer Early

Authors - Sybil Johnson-Abbott, Desneiges Teddy Ottawa’s condo market is currently trending as a seller’s market – with 40% fewer condominiums listed for sale last month than there were during the same month in 2018. It is best practice to…

Soloway Wright welcomes its new Articling and Summer Students

We are very pleased to announce that two second year students have joined our firm as part of our summer student program and that our 2018 summer students will be returning for articling commencing in August 2019. Designed to help…

Some of our “Good Sports”

Soloway Wright always strives to find new ways to give back to the families of Eastern Ontario, especially to those in need. That's why members of our staff ran in the Sporting Life 10k Ottawa on May 12th to support…

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