Staff last names beginning with A
- Natalia Albrecht, assisting Iwona Albrecht
Ext. 2160, nalbrect@solowaywright.com - Theresa Antonietti, Finance
Ext. 3181, tantonietti@solowaywright.com
Staff last names beginning with B
- Cheryl Bennett, Finance
Ext. 2004, bennettc@solowaywright.com - Sharon Bergland, assisting Michael Wade and Victoria Morvillo
Ext. 2108, bergland@solowaywright.com - Zoë Bird, Real Estate Clerk
Ext. 3179, zbird@solowaywright.com - Cassandra Bourassa, Corporate Clerk
Ext. 3183, cbourassa@solowaywright.com - Kimberley Bowyer, assisting Tara M. Sweeney and Stéphane MacLean
Ext. 3028, kbowyer@solowaywright.com - Paul Bradbury, Records
Ext. 3130, pbradbury@solowaywright.com - Ashini Bulathsinhala, Corporate Clerk
Ext. 3161, abulathsinhala@solowaywright.com
Staff last names beginning with C
- Victoria Cairncross, assisting Matthew Cameron and Billing Clerk
Ext. 3164, vcairncross@solowaywright.com - Kelly Chapman, HR/Office Manager
Ext. 3206, kchapman@solowaywright.com - Roxanne Chapman, assisting Andre Ducasse and Ryan Garrett
Ext. 3189, rchapman@solowaywright.com - Philip D. Cheesman, Controller
ext. 3200, pcheesman@solowaywright.com - Andrei Cherwinski, Real Estate Clerk
Ext. 3163, acherwinski@solowaywright.com - Neale Chisnall, CFO
Ext. 3242, chisnaln@solowaywright.com - Ashley Cronk, Municipal Law Clerk
Ext. 3159, acronk@solowaywright.com
Staff last names beginning with D
- Jennifer Davis, Administrative Assistant
Ext. 2005, jdavis@solowaywright.com - Tania Druhan, Assisting Ashley Bennett and Chelsea Packman
Ext. 3031, tdruhan@solowaywright.com
Staff last names beginning with E
- Kelly Ellis, Reception
Ext. 2100, reception@solowaywright.com - Jacquie Emery, Litigation Clerk
Ext. 3168, jemery@solowaywright.com
Staff last names beginning with F
- Lauren Follett, Marketing Coordinator
Ext. 3032, lfollett@solowaywright.com - Helen Fraser, Municipal Law Clerk
Ext. 3213, fraserh@solowaywright.com
Staff last names beginning with G
- Angela Gervais, assisting Charlie Honeywell and Jennifer David
Ext. 2112, gervais@solowaywright.com - Dominique Girard-Witts, assisting Dan Leduc.
Ext. 3140, dgirard-witts@solowaywright.com - D’Arcy Guthrie, Office Assistant
Staff last names beginning with H
- Olha Hedz, assisting Julia Heintzman, Clara Lockhart and Alicia Chauhan
Ext. 3144, ohedz@solowaywright.com - Michelle Houston, assisting Brian Roach
Ext. 3229, mhouston@solowaywright.com - Jessica Hughes, Real Estate Clerk
Ext. 3165, jhughes@solowaywright.com
Staff last names beginning with L
- Derek Lelievre, IT
Ext. 3180, dlelievre@solowaywright.com - Janice Locke, assisting Todd Storms
Ext. 5111, jlocke@solowaywright.com
Staff last names beginning with M
- Megan MacIver, Litigation Law Clerk
Ext. 3141, mmaciver@solowaywright.com - Courtney MacNeil, Real Estate Clerk
Ext. 4006, cmacneil@solowaywright.com - Liz Maguire, Litigation Clerk
Ext. 3221, lmaguire@solowaywright.com - Kelly Marrison, Corporate Clerk
Ext. 3245, kmarrison@solowaywright.com - Jan Mathieson, Real Estate Clerk
Ext. 3178, jmathieson@solowaywright.com - Olivia McAneney, Litigation Clerk
Ext. 3143, omcaneney@solowaywright.com
Staff last names beginning with O
- Chris Ogibowski, assisting Kris Dixon, Lama Bakroun and Ryan Stubbs
Ext. 3142, cogibowski@solowaywright.com
Staff last names beginning with P
- Nadia Pacey, assisting Brian Roach
Ext. 3218, npacey@solowaywright.com - Stephanie Page, Real Estate Clerk, assisting Michael McDonald
Ext. 5120, spage@solowaywright.com
Staff last names beginning with R
- Allan Read, Real Estate Clerk
Ext. 3204, aread@solowaywright.com - Veronica Redmond, Commercial Real Estate Clerk
Ext. 3224, vredmond@solowaywright.com - Chantal Rozon, Legal Clerk
Ext. 5113, crozon@solowaywright.com - Marsha Rumley, Librarian
Ext. 3030, mrumley@solowaywright.com
Staff last names beginning with S
- Amber Schening, assisting Sybil Johnson-Abbott
Ext. 3150, aschening@solowaywright.com - Irene Smith, Conveyancing Clerk
Ext. 3247, smithi@solowaywright.com - Tom Snell, Real Estate Clerk
Ext. 3248, tsnell@solowaywright.com - Brandon Sparling, assisting Travis A. Webb
Ext. 3169, bsparling@solowaywright.com
Staff last names beginning with T
- Debbie Taber, assisting Travis A. Webb
Ext. 2019, taberd@solowaywright.com - Jo-Anne Trebinskie, assisting Richard A. McNevin
Ext. 5112, jtrebinskie@solowaywright.com - Sandra Tree, assisting Municipal Department
Ext. 2048, sltree@solowaywright.com
Staff last names beginning with W
- Joanne Whiteside, Finance
Ext. 2002, whitesij@solowaywright.com - Jeanine Wilson, assisting Julia Heintzman
Ext. 3186, jwilson@solowaywright.com - Sarah Wilson, assisting Alan M. Riddell, Kyle Van Schie and Mareike van Nieuwkoop
Ext. 3187, swilson@solowaywright.com
Staff last names beginning with Y
- Christine Yakabuski-Brown, Real Estate Clerk, assisting Guillaume Chiasson
Ext. 3158, cyakabuski-brown@solowaywright.com