Supporting Dress for Success Ottawa

Soloway Wright has always believed in giving back to the community, including helping its members reach their full potential. For over 70 years, Soloway Wright has successfully advised, negotiated and advocated on behalf of corporate employers, individual employees, and professional…

Ottawa’s Best Lawyers 2020 at Soloway Wright LLP

Soloway Wright LLP is pleased to announce that five of our lawyers have been selected by their peers to the rankings of the Best Lawyers 2020. Please join us in congratulating the Soloway Wright lawyers rated as Ottawa’s Best Lawyers:…

Soloway Wright Opens Its Doors to Law Students

Summer in Ottawa is great, and law students seem to have noticed! Last week Soloway Wright invited law students entering their 2L year to learn about our firm and how to have the best law student experience. While recruiting won’t…

Early 2019 Judicial Updates that affect Employers

Authors – Alan Riddell, Kyle Van Schie Employee or Contractor? Cormier v. 1772887 Ontario Limited c.o.b. as St. Joseph Communications, 2019 ONSC 587 This case touched on two important issues for employers: how to tell the difference between employees and…

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