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Soloway Wright Opens Its Doors to Law Students

Summer in Ottawa is great, and law students seem to have noticed!

Last week Soloway Wright invited law students entering their 2L year to learn about our firm and how to have the best law student experience. While recruiting won’t start in earnest until this autumn, Soloway Wright wanted to make their student and articling information and advice accessible for all law students to learn how to find the right fit in a law firm, and then prepare and succeed at on campus interviews (OCIs), and in firm interviews.

“This 2L student open house was a great opportunity to meet students who might not be attending law school in Ottawa, students who might not otherwise be able to attend our autumn 2L student open house, and those who might just want to start gathering information early,” explained Partner and Articling Committee Chair, Sanjay Srivastava.

Caleb Timmermann, who began as a 2L summer student, returned as an articling student and is now an Associate in the firm’s Litigation Department, shared some insight into the student experience at Soloway Wright.

“Soloway Wright has a fantastic student seminar program through which summer and articling students are given the opportunity to sit down with each lawyer in the firm to learn more about their respective practice area. This program, along with the firm’s open-door policy, allows students to develop relationships with the firm’s lawyers and staff and to gain invaluable insights into what it really means to “practice” law.”

After the presentations, conversations were lively as students toured the firm and met and mingled with lawyers and staff. The team is looking forward to meeting these students again, as the 2L application and interview process begins later this year. Details on student programs and the application process through the viLaw Portal can be found on the Student Program page.